*italics* _italics_ **bold** ***bold italics*** __underline__ ~~strikethrough~~ --- # big header ## medium header ### small header -# subtext --- [link text](http://example.com) --- - list item - list item or... * list item * list item --- `inline monospace` ``` block monospace ``` ```py print('with syntax highlighting') ``` --- > block quote ||spoiler|| --- is a datetime from a unix timestamp you can append a format character like t: time to minute T: time to second d: short date D: long date f: long date, time to minute F: weekday, long date, time to minute R: relative time default is f if unspecified --- links of the form https://discord.com/\d+/\d+(/\d+)? become pretty formatted pings are <@USERID> if you escape the opening angle bracket it doesn't pretty format but it still pings :)