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*italics* _italics_
***bold italics***


# big header
## medium header
### small header
-# subtext


[link text](


- list item
- list item
* list item
* list item


`inline monospace`

block monospace

print('with syntax highlighting')


> block quote



<t:1234> is a datetime from a unix timestamp
you can append a format character like <t:1234:f>
t: time to minute
T: time to second
d: short date
D: long date
f: long date, time to minute
F: weekday, long date, time to minute
R: relative time
default is f if unspecified


links of the form\d+/\d+(/\d+)? become pretty formatted

pings are <@USERID>
if you escape the opening angle bracket it doesn't pretty format
but it still pings :)
discord-formatting.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/15 04:14 by raccoon

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