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selection actions



aliases: //cur

places the cursor item into your inventory, which allows you to set the corners of your selection by left and right clicking on blocks.

set selection

//1 <coords>
//2 <coords>

sets the corners of your selection to coords.

move selection

//movesel <coords>

moves your selection by coords.

grow or shrink selection

//growsel [bound=*1]

grows/shrinks your selection along its axes to match bound.

mask selection

//mask [shape]

masks your selection to fit into a specific shape.

//mask list

lists available shapes.

display selection


aliases: //sel

prints your selection coordinates in chat.

set/display volume limit

//limit <int|"no">

limit the volume of the selected region when performing actions, in blocks. default is 131072. //limit no removes the limit.


display the current limit.

world & buffer actions

set & replace

//set [filter] <pattern>

aliases: //replace

sets the selected region to the pattern, optionally filtered by the filter.


//fill <filter> <pattern> [bound=*16]

starting from each block in the selected region, sets all orthogonally adjacent blocks matching the filter to the pattern, recursively. like a bucket fill!

stops after reaching bound, even if adjacent blocks match past that point. this is principally to prevent an infinite recursion, but also has some utility. e.g. //fill air water U fills an empty pool with water without overflowing out of the top.

undo & redo


undoes or redoes any action that modifies blocks in the world.

copy & paste


copies and pastes your selection to and from your copy buffer.


//move <coords>

moves the selected region by coords, replacing the region it previously occupied with air.


//flip [axis=^]

flips the selected region along axis.


//stack [times=1] [direction=^] [offset]

duplicates the selected region a number of times, each time offset by its width in the given direction.

optionally, you can supply an additional coords offset to be added each iteration. for example,

//stack 10 ^ ^,^-1,^

this command generates a downward staircase made of the selected blocks.

minecraft/mod/my-mods/bunyedit/commands.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/07 07:28 by raccoon

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